Friday, April 2, 2010

Catching up

Between working, crafting, housekeeping, entertaining, and my number one duty - being a wife/mom, I have been a bit busy...too busy to post but today is my day off and instead of enjoying the gorgeous weather outside, I find myself on the computer finally getting to post. The month of March was a fun and busy one. Jonah is now 4 months old. He weighed in at 16 lbs. 14 oz (75-90%) and measured 26.5 in. (95%). He grew 3 inches since his last appointment - no wonder he is already growing out of 6 month clothes. He is rolling over like crazy (back to front) and we have attempted rice cereal. He seemed to really like what actually got into his mouth but that wasn't much :) Ella is still the bestest big sister ever and is absolutely the apple of his eye - she can get him to giggle like no one else can. It is so awesome seeing the two of them interact - they were meant for eachother - she is crazy and he is happy - it works. I am back to work for 9 weeks and counting - it hasn't been so bad just exhausting. Trying to get the students that I haven't taught in 4 months to be prepared for the big state AIMS test has been killer but it will all be over soon. Travis has been working and working out a ton - getting that physic he has always wanted. He is eating way too healthy and pretty much said no more McDonalds - so sad.

Little miss getting ready to help daddy with the yard work


Ya, I can read....just sayin'

Beautiful, blue-eyed boy at 4 months

Come on, I'm hungry!!!

The big first bite!

Can I be done now?

Hanging out in the exersaucer

Coloring Easter eggs on this wonderful Good Friday!