Tuesday, August 17, 2010

8.5 months

Jonah is 8 1/2 months now and just growing in so many ways...

Last he was weighed at the Dr. was about a month ago and he was 20lbs. then...I imagine he is pushing 22lbs. now. Jonah is constantly on the move...in the last month he has learned to pull himself up on the couch, cruise along side it, goes from one piece of furniture to another, and FINALLY, crawl. You can't keep your eyes off of him for a second. He will be my climber forsure.

He is still all smiles. Eating and sleeping great. He sleeps 7:30pm - 8:00am (with a quick bottle and diaper change around 5am) and then takes two long naps each day. He is eating three meals with bottles in between. We tried some little Gerber Puffs and he gagged and threw them right up so we will wait a little longer on that. He has two bottom teeth and we think the top two are coming soon.

Today he started clapping!

He is babbling a ton and saying "mama" but just as a babble.

He loves his lamb...yes, this shot could be pretty indecent (if you're in that frame of mind) but I think it is cute :)

Thought this would be a good blackmail pic in the future :)

He sat like this as Travis kissed his cheek for about 5 minutes...he loves his Daddy!

Love him...still trying to figure out what to do with his hair...think we might grow it out shaggy because it is so darn cute.


Jill said...

Gosh Nicole! He is GORGEOUS!!!