Sunday, January 30, 2011

Snow time!

Last weekend we ventured up to Flagstaff to visit Adam and Katelyn and play in the snow. There wasn't much snow at all but enough for us. We drove a couple of minutes from Adam's to Woody Mountain and played for just a little bit AZ Mantle's can only handle so much cold. I have never been a big fan of snow and Travis doesn't seem like much of one either, but Ella had been dying to play in it this instead of being cozy/lazy at Adam and Katelyn's all weekend, we got them ready and out the door twice - gotta make use of the winter coats and gloves :) It was a wonderfully relaxing weekend and even the snow part was fun (all 20 minutes of it :)

I don't know how people do it....bundling these kiddos up and getting them into the car was NOT FUN! I would take 115 degrees of burning hot seatbelts and sweaty children over this anyday!

She was excited!!!

Ella didn't want to take part in the family picture...
not when there was a snowball she could be making.

Uncle Adam taught Ella the art of making the perfect snowball....and then also throwing them at mommy and Katelyn.

She LOVED the snow.....but once her pants got wet, and she was a little bit cold, she was done...just like her mama.

He wasn't too sure of the snow....not being able to move in his clothes didn't help either :)

Uncle Adam and Jonah

I love Jonah's face in this pic.