Thursday, June 3, 2010

Jonah - 6 months

My gorgeous blue-eyed boy is 6 months old - half way to one - crazy! He is doing fabulously! We went to the doctor yesterday and he is measuring in at 18lbs. 11.5oz.(50-75%), and 27.5 inches tall(75-90%), and right on track, if not ahead, of all the physical milestones. Jonah is truly the most easy-going baby ever. We thought we had it good with Ella as an infant but Jonah takes the cake on easy. He really is happy all the time and randomly cries when no one is paying attention to him or if he wakes up in a strange place - and of course, if he is starving and the bottle is not coming fast enough. The moment he sees his bottle, he freaks out and huffs and puffs until it is in his mouth. He pretty much wants everything in his mouth - no teeth yet but drooling like no other. He tries to get his entire pacifier in is mouth - so we are all a little paranoid about that :) Jonah continues to love on his big sister and laughs just being in her presence. He is sitting up on his own and eating oatmeal and -just started- veggies every evening. Jonah sleeps from about 8:30pm-6:00am each night - wakes up with loaded diaper - and is happy as can be. He is growing in lots of thick light brown locks - no red tones like his sister, but pretty similar in color. In certain pics of Ella as a baby, we see them looking very much alike but if you really analyze their features, they are totally different.

We love everything about his little chubby self - and his blue eyes just melt our hearts.

This is seriously the look on his face 90% of the day.

Sitting up like a big boy gives a wealth of more playtime opportunities.

They are starting to play together and Ella is learning many a valuable lesson in sharing.

First time in the pool - Memorial Day 2010

Again, he will put anything in his mouth! This moment he wanted my nose!

To no surprise, he LOVED green beans. Jonah has always been a great eater.